


In your VA Hospital setting, how do you maintain a high index of suspicion for this infection and what systemic approaches to diagnostic confirmation do you employ in this high-risk population? And what are the triggers for treatment?

In your VA Hospital setting, how do you maintain a high index of suspicion for this infection and what systemic approaches to diagnostic confirmation do you employ in this high-risk population?And what are the triggers for treatment?

Created by

CMEducation Resources IQ&A Cardiovascular Intelligence Zone | NTM-Pulmonary Infection Intelligence Zone


Mehdi Mirsaeidi, MD, MPH

Mehdi Mirsaeidi, MD, MPH

Director of University of Miami and VA Sarcoidosis Programs
Co-Director UM NTM Program
IRB Vice-Chairman, Miami VA Healthcare System
Assistant Professor of Department of Medicine
Assistant Professor of Clinical Public Health Sciences
Division of Pulmonary